Registration 2024

Abstract submission Deadline: August 15, 2024 To submit your abstract, please use the template provided lastname_firstname.docx replacing ‘lastname’ and ‘firstname’ with your first and last name respectively. Your contribution (in English) should be sent to Do not forget to specify whether you wish to submit an oral contribution or a poster, and for which […]

Edition 2024

Deadlines August 15, 2024Abstract submission August 30, 2024Registration Read more News Thanks to the partnership with AFC, grants are available to encourage doctoral students to participate. Find out how to apply here. September 30 to October 3, 2024 The JDN2024 will take place from September 30 in the afternoon to October 3 middday (including lunch). […]


JDN 2023 31st Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique organised by Denis Morineau, Ronan Lefort, Pascal Turban (IPR, Rennes), Carmelo Prestipino, Mathieu Pasturel (ISCR, Rennes), Frédéric Ott (LLB) and Emmanuelle Suard (ILL) in Erquy. JDN 2022 30th Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique organised by Arnaud Desmedt, Karine Ndiaye, Sophie Sobanska, Marie-Noël Baybaud, Marc Dussauze (ISM, Bordeaux), […]

Neutron Scattering Days

The Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique (JDN) were created in 1992 by J. Rossat-Mignod, director of the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, to meet the need for an annual meeting between French neutron users and experts. The JDN are the days during which a multidisciplinary scientific conference is held each year. Participants present recent results obtained by […]